Call for Papers

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Dear Colleague,

We are happy to inform you that a symposium entitled „Archaeology and History of Lydia from Early Lydian Period to the Late Antiquity (8th Cent. B.C.-5th Cent. A.D.)” will take place on May 17-18, 2017 at the Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) in Izmir, Turkey. Lydia was an ancient region, located in inner western Anatolia, and compared to the coastline of western Asia Minor its archaeology is not well-known. We warmly invite contributions by scholars and graduate students from a variety of disciplines of ancient classical studies related to this region. The aim of this symposium is to report on the state of research concerning Lydia between ca. 8th century B.C. and 6th century A.D. We kindly request that you alert any persons within your research community who would be interested in participating at this symposium, either by forwarding our e-mail, or by printing this circular and displaying it in your institution. We hope that you will be able to join us at the Dokuz Eylül University, and look forward to seeing you in Izmir!

Best wishes from Izmir,

Dr Gulseren Kan Sahin

Szczegółowe informacje znajdują się tutaj: first-circular-english-notice

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